Mikayla Johnson

VP of Global Solutions

Mikayla Johnson is Vice President of Global Solutions for Carrot Fertility, the leading global fertility healthcare company. Mikayla is a global healthcare leader passionate about building the teams and solutions that help people have healthcare access. As one of Carrot’s first employees, Mikayla built Carrot’s operational infrastructure and has played a part in product development, global client acquisition and implementation, member support, and internal company scaling.

Mikayla’s career spans U.S. employer health benefits; Canadian public policy research under former Canadian provincial and federal Deputy Minister Dr. Paul Boothe; direct patient care as a Canadian public health system Personal Care Attendant; and market research and strategy consulting in China. Mikayla is a Cansbridge Fellow and graduated from the Ivey Business School’s dual degree Honors Business (BA) and Western University’s Honors Specialization in Chemistry (BSc) program.


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Mikayla Johnson

Fertility care

Meet Virtus Health Australia, a leader in fertility care and emotional support

Meet Virtus Health, a leader in fertility care bringing together leading doctors, scientists, researchers, and nurses.
Fertility care

Meet Nova IVF, a leader in high-quality fertility care across India

Carrot partner Nova IVF is expanding fertility awareness and treatment in India.
Fertility care

Meet Rainbow IVF, a Carrot partner committed to fertility care and education in India

Carrot partner Rainbow IVF started in Agra, India, and has since expanded fertility care access throughout the region.

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